Emergency Share Card
All your critical health details, shareable in multiple ways and in multiple languages
Every Backpack profile comes with its own Emergency Share Card. This is to help make sure your and your loved ones’ most important health info is readily available—to emergency personnel, teachers, employers, whoever you choose—if you can't provide it yourself. And because emergencies are unexpected by nature, Emergency Share Cards can be shared in more than one way, and viewed in any of our supported languages.
You can translate and print it, download and share it as a PDF, or use its URL + Access Code to give someone live, translatable online access to your critical info. No matter how you choose to share, you can include images, documents, contacts, and more, too.

Lock Screen Wallpaper
Instant access to your emergency info from your phone's lock screen
In the event of an accident or medical emergency, one of the first things first responders check for information is your phone. You can add a QR code to any image you choose that goes directly to your translatable Emergency Share Card, and make the image your lock screen wallpaper.

Medical ID Accessories
Wear more than just what fits on your Medical ID
Medical IDs can save your life, but you can’t always fit all your critical information on an ID bracelet or necklace. Engrave a link to your Emergency Share Card to give emergency medicine professionals access to more of your health info.